Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I have decided that it is such a nice warm day that I will go down to the sea and walk by the wonderful lighthouse that is set on the rocks that jut out into the water. It is so beautiful there and I want to just walk slowly up there and I have brought a lunch with me and a thermos of iced tea today. No coat just a hat today. It is very warm, so I will not need it. This is one of my favorite places to reflect on things that have been bothering me lately. I come here and look out at the sea and sit on the rocks and listen to the waves as they crash against the rocks. I love the sounds of the sea. They are powerful and masterful and no one can control them. That is why they had to build this lighthouse so that the boats that are out there will know not  to venture to close to this shore. The rocks jut out and some are hidden deep inside of the water with only a small piece sticking out so that you know they are there. Many a boat has hit these reefs and sunk right here.  As I sit here and open my lunch I feel sort of lonely today. It seems that all my friends have gone from me lately. There was my young friend Joey, who appeared in my life for a short summer and then went away. He probably moved or just found younger people more interesting than this old man to talk to. My other friend is doing better, but isn't quite well enough to venture out with me and have lunch yet. He will need more time to mend and get back on his feet. I will go and visit him later today on my way home. I just realized that I don't have any other friends to speak of and maybe I should join a club or something where there are more people around for me to interact with. It is very lonely just sitting and having lunch by myself every day. I so would love to have a few friends to play chess with or go to dinner with , or maybe even a show from time to time. Well, I will have to think about this more carefully. I might even meet a few women my age that might like to have lunch or dinner with this old man. Who knows, anything is possible.

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