Sunday, June 5, 2005

todays adventures

It was very warm today so I wore my straw hat and light jacket just in case the rain that they were talking about came. I wouldn't want to be caught without some protection from the weather. Took  long walk into the mall and sat down in the food court with my cup of joe. I enjoy watching the people and trying to guess about them . what they do for a living or if they are students, or moms and dads with their kids.  It is amazing what you can learn just by sitting and watching people as they wander through the mall. There was a mom that was losing patience with a child that was being obnoxious and finally told the child to siit quietly or he would get a time out when he got home. A time out??  I had to smile, when I was a child my mom wouldn't have thought of a time out when you got home. by that time the child has forgotten what he is being timed-out for. Mom would have taken my hand and there wouldn't have been any lunch there, it would have been home and to my room for the rest of the day.  The next time out, I would remember this  punishment and i would be sure to behave so that I wouldn't miss out on the treat. Maybe parents are too lienant with these kids. By staying and giving this child a treat of a lunch out, he has learned nothing. I just shaked my head and looked around the room and saw a dad with his kids sitting and talking and smiling and having a great time. The little girl smiled at me and waved her little hand. I smiled back and her dad said  hi, good morning. how are you today? I replied that I was fine and just out for my morning walk and that I enjoyed coming here for a cup of joe and looking at the people as they came in to shop. He asked if I would like to join them and I happily agreed and moved over to their table. The little girls name was Tammy and her brother was named Thomas or as he informed me, Tommy. I spent the next half hour enjoying the chatter of these two precious kids and an adoring dad, who informed me that his wife wasn't feeling well, so he had taken the day off from work and brought the kids here for breakfast and to wander in the stores and maybe find a little toy for each of them for being so kind and good . He said that before they left, the kids made their mom a tray of breakfast of toast( burnt) and a glass of oj and cup of tea. The kids eyes shinned and their smiles showed how proud they were to have done that for their mom. Dad beamed when he toldme all about how caring the kids were and how worried they were about their mom. Instead of a toy for themselves, they wanted to buy something for their mom to mke her happy. Now, that made my day. How sweet and thoughtful these two children were to think of someone wlse other than themselves. How many kids would do that today?  I left the mall putting my hat on and coat because it had started to drizzle a bit and went home with a smile on my face. There is hope when there are children brought up to  think of others before themselves and parents that instill these wonderful feelings into their children.  I think I will go home and sit and rest. Tomight I will go out for my nightly walk and maybe this time I will go down to the town park that is in the center of the town were I live.

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