Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Hospital I am going to visit

This morning I am going to go to the hospital to visit my friend. It has been raining quite heavily so I will have to wear my raincoat and hat. The wind has picked up too, so it is rather cool out there, but I really don't care. I have been worried for many days about my friend as I had not heard a word about him and what was going on. I didn't know if he was home or in the hospital, but yesterday I got word from his family that he was admitted to the hospital and that now he is out of intensive care and in a regular room. So I am happy as I board the bus to travel through town to get to see how my friend is doing and if there is anything I can do to make his stay in that place more comfortable. I have prayed for my friend and God has answered my prayers. Hopefully he will be back home soon and walking with me through the park and having lunch on that park bench that we have been doing for the last few months. I really miss my friend. You know, as you get older, each friendship becomes dearer and means more I think. Especially the ones that you have had for what seems like a lifetime. Well, I am here now and will be going in to see how my friend is doing. I will be so glad to see him again.  Smiling I open the door of the hospital and enter. 


Anonymous said...

Man in the hat..i hope that all is well..there inside of thatdoorway that isnow so there now in front of so only you.

Anonymous said...

i hope your friend is doing well and you are having lunch on that park bench you know that sounds very nice i wish i had a friend to do that with you are right to cherish such a friendship and may god bless the both of you with long life and health.  
        blessed be and many merry partings