Friday, December 16, 2005

Christmas Scenes in the Park

I have decided to take a walk into the park this afternoon and look at all the Christmas decorations that were put up last night by the local townspeople. There is an area that has a small building and in this building protected from the elements, they all came and had a party last night.  They had eggnog and sang Christmas songs while they worked. 

Around this bend I could see that they had decorated the trees that led to this building too. How beautiful they all look.  Once inside I couldn't believe my eyes. So many wonderful and brilliant things to view. Scenes of people singing and the stable entitled, "The true meaning of Christmas". I walked all around and stood and looked at each place and it brought me so much joy to see how this small building had come to life with the Chirstmas spirit.

One scene was more beautiful than another.  More and more people started to come in as I was standing there and in the background you could hear Christmas songs being song by country singers. How wonderful to have this place to come to and enjoy with all my neighbors. 

As I watched, I saw the childrens smiles as they excitedly ran from place to place calling their parents to hurry.  How great it is to see their happy faces as they enjoy this magical time of year.  I spent alot of time there and met a few of my friends too. We all found a place to sit and they even had a snack bar set up where you could get a free cup of cocoa. Now, not many small towns do that any more. 

After a few hours, the people drifted away and me and my friends decided it was time to leave the park to, before it became dark and colder.  What a glorious day I had there in the park with my friends and neighbors.  Christmas is a magical time. People seem to love each other more and are more compasstionate then at other times of the year.  I wish that people felt this special Christmas compassion all year long for one another. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Well, I buttoned up my coat and put my hat back on , flipping up my collar on my coat to keep my neck warm, I started to walk out of the part humming a Christmas tune, as I anticipated that nice cup of joe waiting for me at home. 

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Anonymous said...

This has got me in a real Christmasy mood now!  I love it.  Thank you.  I'm gonna skip the cup o' joe and have a cup of cocoa instead!  Faerie

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures in this entry and of course the text makes good reading as well.Janice excels herself yet again.

Anonymous said...

Your journal entry was sent to me and I think it is so beautiful....I will be back to read again.


Anonymous said...

Thank you all for reading my journal and commenting so nicely on my writing.  I appreciate the imput.

Janice Marie