I have decided to rest here on the bench today in the park and have some joe and a sandwich that I picked up at the deli. It is so beautiful here in the park. Spring has come and the park is waking up again to its full beauty. You can hear the songs of the birds again as they hustle to make their nests and the geese are back swimming in the pond.
I have been thinking of all the things going on in this country of ours and it seems that there are alot of things that we were told were not true. One lie after the other is coming out and so many members of the cabinet are resigning and leaving. Two were arrested for being pedifiles and that is a shame that we have people like that in our government. It doesn't help us to respect them now, does it?
Our men and women are scattered all over the world fighting and now they are thinking of taking on yet another country. Why is that? I can't understand and wish someone would explain that to me. Is it our policy now that if we decide that we don't like what a country is doing or if we don't like their leaders, we will go and attack them? What gives us that right? I guess I am getting old. I can't remember any other president doing what this one is doing. It seems everyday he has a new agenda. So many retired generals are saying that Rumsfeld should resign because he doesn't know what he is doing, and I have to agree with them. When our troops have to scrounge around for parts to make their tanks more bullet proof, there is something wrong. When asked about it ,he said the parts were not available and yet when the reporter went to were they make the parts the manager said that he asked him if he wanted more and he said no, and that they could make all he wanted. I believe in saving money, but not at the risk of a soldiers life. They should have all the necessary things they need to ensure their safety. I can understand why parents of these young men and women and the wives and mothers of our seasoned warriors are upset. I would be too if my family was serving there. In my opinion, I feel that all should be done to get all the soldiers home and quickly, and maybe let the world take care of itself for awhile and not butt into eveyones business. What a wonderful thing that would be to do. We have alot of our own problems to solve right here in our country, we don't have to try and police the whole world. Let's get people more jobs, and better wages. Improve medical treatments for all Americans and make sure that they have social security when they are ready to retire. Seems to me that these are very important agendas too.
Well, I am an old man, but I am entitled to my opinions and if you have any, jot them down here for others to view too. I pray every night that the nightmares will be over and peace will once again prevail in the world. Or at least in our part of the world. Too much violence, not enough love .
Time to go now, I need that hot cup of joe waiting for me at home. I will just button my coat and put my hat back on and meander back home. What a beautiful park this is in the spring. Listen to all the birds singing and the geese on the pond swimming. How peaceful and serene it is here.
Your thoughts are those of many and I wonder myself about all the things happening in this world and our country.
Great Entry
You are an old man? Besides that enigma, I must say: you are right...why ARE we meddling with the world? Without the news, most of us wouldn't know or care about anything outside of our own locality. Globalization is coming...beware.
I think like this too. Do we have to be the Police of the World! Why don't we mind our own business! We think we help other countries problems and can't even take care of our own. Like the hurricane that hit Lousianna! This is just an example. Look how many people died and where was our own Government and soldiers to help! Yes, I agree with the man in the hat! Great Write!
Here is why the U.S. went into Iraq, and the article explains why it will attack Iran as well. The reason is totally unrelated to so-called 'terrorism'.
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