Friday, September 30, 2005

truthfulness or lies??????

As I sit here on my favorite bench in the park I have been thinking about something that I witnessed the other day.  A good friend of mine, that I think the world of was slighted by an unfeeling and uncaring person  and a group of people that could care less about anyone but themselves.

I happened to be in a position to say how I felt about these unfortunate and misleading words uttered by someone that hadn't a clue what my friend had done for two  years for her and all within her circle and his.  I simply stated the true facts and was castigated for what I said in complete innocence. People I have found don't like being told the truth when it involves some selfishness they know is theirs.  Don't people realize that before they put their mouths into gear, they should engage the brain and check things out before making statements that are not true?

Well, I am glad I stuck up for my friend and I really don't care what others feel about what I said or did. If this person would have been their friend would they have stuck up for him? I wonder.  I am not one to sit on my hands and watch someone belittle or demean another ever. It is not in my nature to do so. 

I stated the facts and did so as nicely as I could but still it was taken as a threat instead of simply facts. I threaten no one. That is not what I am about. I am simply one the will stick up for a friend if he or she is right and I feel needs my backing .

I hope someday if I ever need a good friend that there will be one there for me too. I don't take friendship lightly and when You are my friend you are a friend for life. The only time the friendship would end is if you walk away from it , not me. I cherish my friends. 

It seems to be getting chilly now as the days get shorter and the leaves are starting to turn. The flowers are still blooming but soon the frost will take them away for another year and the rustic colors of fall will desend upon us and fill each and everyone of us with awe as we see the many different shades and colors as we walk in this great park.


Timeto go home for it is getting cold and I only have a light jacket and my hat on today.  I can picture my nice lounge chair and cup of joe waiting for me. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Waterfall in the park

I left for the park early today. I had a hard time sleeping last night.  I decided to go into the east end of the park where there is a beautiful waterfall. It had been raining and all the leaves on the bushes and trees are glistening in the warming sun. There are still plenty of beautiful flowers growing in the park and because of the good summer we have had they are all blooming and glorious . Pink and purple pansies circling around the the walkways and in front of the main entrance of the park. 

This water fall is so beautiful and peaceful and I need some solace today. My mind has been full of so many confusing and bothersome things lately that I just want to come here and sit and listen to the water as it falls into the pool below and look at its majestic beauty.

My heart is saddened by all the deaths and missing children from the hurricanes and now another one is threatening to come to land and do more damage and probably take more lives. They keep showing on the tv all the children that are lost and parents are hoping to find these children. So many of them. How will they ever find all of them?  This bothers me so much that there are children out there and can not find there parents and are scared and alone.

I have also been thinking of our soldiers fighting in Iraq and all the other countries that they are stationed in to help keep peace. So many of them have had to stay even when their time is up. I am wondering if we will ever be able to leave Iraq and have all our men and women come back home. It seems that the people themselves can not help themselfs. I hope that peace finally comes to this country and they set up a democratic government and have there own army and police force so that all the soldiers there can go home to their own countries. We are spread all over the world. So many different places that our men and women are protecting. Isn't it time we got them home and back to their lives?

I brought my coffee with me today because there is a slight chill in the air from all that rain, but I needed to come here today and try and think things over that have been bothering me so much.

I love the sound of the rushing water as it cascades over the rocks. It is like ten roaring lions as it falls into the pool below. Thunderous and beautiful to behold, but peaceful too. Clean fresh water. Clear and carrying the smell  of all the flowers that are growing up on top of those rocks and all around the pond. Many fragrances mixing into a bouquet of beauty for all to behold.

I feel so much more relaxed now and so I will go and I think I will stop in to see one of my friends that hasn't been feeling well. I know how sad I was today and going to the park helped me look at things more clearly . Maybe I can brighten my friends day by a surprise visit.



Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Sad days for all people

Today as I sit in the park I am thinking of all the recent tradgies that have befallen the people of this world. In the United States, that hurricane that killed so many and wiped out the city of New Orleans. How horrible to listen to all the news and see all these poor people that are suffering because of the storm. It seemed that the whole emergency systems failed when they were needed the most and many people died because of this lack of help.

Then there is the trouble in Ireland. That was a sad thing to hear on the  news also. It is hard for us in the United States to understand why these things happen over there because we have freedom of religion and we don't hold anyones religion against them. I have a hard time understanding the logic in what is happining over there now. I have always tried to treat all as I would like to be treated and it hurts me to see that people can be so callous to other human beings simply because they choose to worship God in their own way. 

How many people are suffering because the gas prices are so high and they can't afford to pay these prices. Many people work two jobs just to get by and this unnecessary hike in gas prices makes it that much harder on these people to get to and from their work. I feel bad for them, because they are trying to make a living and are working hard and don't need this extra expense to contend with.  They showed a young man that is working two jobs and and all he could put in his gas tank was $1.50 in gas. That certainly won't last him very long.

I know the government can do something about this price raising every day for gas. Why, my friend told me the other day that as he was putting gas in his car they were raising the prices 30 cents more. He asked them in the store if he had to pay  that price because he had his gas in before they raised the prices. He was told that this one time he could pay the lower price. Something has to be done. Someone has to step up to this problem and start making the necessary changes to bring these prices down so that all americans can afford to go to work and make a living.

Too many sad things to think about today. I have lost my appetite for the sandwich I have broughtwith me and I think it is getting cooler now. time for me to go home and get my cup of joe and turn on the tv and pray that something is being done for all of these problems.

All those beautiful trees are just starting to change their colors. One by one they are becoming a multitude of colors. like rainbows . So beautiful this park is during all the different seasons. I thank God I can come here every day and see His magnificent work of art. 

Monday, September 5, 2005

The last days of summer

Today I went down to the lovely boat harbor and watched as all the boats came and went out into the lake. How soothing it is to sit on this bench and watch because there are so many different sizes and shapes of boats out there. Cruisers and sailboats each one different and each beautiful to watch as they glide across the water.

It will not be to long that these boats will be taken out and put away for the winter. Then the docks will be empty and the harbor deserted until the ice forms on the lake and all the ice fishermen come out, It is way to cold for me to come down to see them fishing, but I did venture out here one year and they had huts all over the ice and having a great time. So this harbor is busy in all the seasons.  In spring, the boaters are anxious to get their boats into the water as early as possible. I love to come down and watch the different happenings as the seasons change. The park itself is a rainbow of colors for each season. 

Many people are taking their boats out now. It is still early. They dont have to be out until the 15th of October. Then you have the die hards and they leave theirs in after that date and have to pay $5.00 extra for each day they leave their boat in the water.  But by the end of October they all have to be out because they take up the docks and close down the marina for the year.

I am enjoying this day as it is nice and sunny and warm. There is music being piped from the adjoinging restaurant at the marina and you can enjoy listening to it as you sit and look out at the water.

today I am going to have my lunch here and sit outside with my plate and cup of joe and enjoy this the last hurrah for summer.


Thursday, September 1, 2005

Thoughts of saddness for the victums of Hurricane

I have been sitting on this bench today and eating my lunch and watching all the people having such a good time in the park, but I am so sad today and I have put on my heavier coat and warmer hat as it has turned cooler the last few days.

There was a terrible hurricane that hit in the US today and thousands of people are homeless and have no food or water and no place to stay. Everyone is trying to help them and this tragidy always brings out the best in most of the people. They help one another.

Then there are the ones that take advantage of the situation and loot and steal from the stores and peoples homes that are abandoned. How do people do these things? I will never understand. They have had to pull policemen away from helping people to stop all the looting in the city and in the stadium there is fighting and stealing going on. It seems that nowhere is safe for anyone. How sad that is to hear and see.

It isn't bad enough that the innocent people are homeless and hungry and thirsty, but they have to contend with the ones that are acting like criminals and instead of helping they are making things worse for all of them. The ones that are there to help can't because they have to prevent the bad ones from stealing and hurting others.

What a sad situation. How disparaging to see on the news and hear all that is going on there. Why hasn't the national guard been called in to help these people and why isnt the president talking about helping them? Is he still on vacation? Dosen't he watch tv? Can't he see he has to do something here for these people?

Well, so many questions and no answers. I am going to go back home and turn my tv on and say a prayer for all of the people down there. My cup of joe is waiting for me.  My heart goes out to these people and all my prayers too.