Friday, December 16, 2005

Christmas Scenes in the Park

I have decided to take a walk into the park this afternoon and look at all the Christmas decorations that were put up last night by the local townspeople. There is an area that has a small building and in this building protected from the elements, they all came and had a party last night.  They had eggnog and sang Christmas songs while they worked. 

Around this bend I could see that they had decorated the trees that led to this building too. How beautiful they all look.  Once inside I couldn't believe my eyes. So many wonderful and brilliant things to view. Scenes of people singing and the stable entitled, "The true meaning of Christmas". I walked all around and stood and looked at each place and it brought me so much joy to see how this small building had come to life with the Chirstmas spirit.

One scene was more beautiful than another.  More and more people started to come in as I was standing there and in the background you could hear Christmas songs being song by country singers. How wonderful to have this place to come to and enjoy with all my neighbors. 

As I watched, I saw the childrens smiles as they excitedly ran from place to place calling their parents to hurry.  How great it is to see their happy faces as they enjoy this magical time of year.  I spent alot of time there and met a few of my friends too. We all found a place to sit and they even had a snack bar set up where you could get a free cup of cocoa. Now, not many small towns do that any more. 

After a few hours, the people drifted away and me and my friends decided it was time to leave the park to, before it became dark and colder.  What a glorious day I had there in the park with my friends and neighbors.  Christmas is a magical time. People seem to love each other more and are more compasstionate then at other times of the year.  I wish that people felt this special Christmas compassion all year long for one another. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Well, I buttoned up my coat and put my hat back on , flipping up my collar on my coat to keep my neck warm, I started to walk out of the part humming a Christmas tune, as I anticipated that nice cup of joe waiting for me at home. 

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Friday, December 2, 2005


Today I dressed very warm in my winter coat and scarf around my neck and my good ole winter hat.

I decided to take a stroll through the park just to see all the beauty that God had sent during the night. Every tree looked as if He sent an angel to place the snow just so on each limb of every bush and tree. As far as you could see there was breathtaking beauty. I stood in awe of this creation that no living person could ever create. When I look at beauty such as this I am reminded of just how inadequate we really are compared to Our Lord. There in the meadow standing just so I could watch was a doe and her mate. Standing there proud and beautiful at the edge of the park. There were many deer I saw that day as they grazed on the grass.

When I am feeling sad and alone, I love to come to this park and just walk and look all around and enjoy all of Gods creations that I am so lucky to be able to share.

If you ever need your spirits lifted take a walk into a park and just look around at all the beauty that is free and more exquiste than any picture in any museum. I quarrantee that you will leave with a lighter heart and brighter thoughts.

Well, It is cold today and so I will slowly walk back home and by the time I get there My auto-coffee pot will have made my cup of joe.  Look at that sky! Blue and magnificent! Thank you Father for this day.


Saturday, October 22, 2005

Dismay Day

Today I thought I would take a walk down by the lake and I got caught in the rain. I was glad that I had worn my hat and raincoat this afternoon. I wanted to go and look out at the lake and see if there were any boats still docked.but all the docks are out and boats are gone for the season. It sure looks dreary today here. Not to many people around. Just a few die hards like me taking a walk along the trail that goes around the park here. It has started to rain and I really don't mind because it is just a drizzle  so it isnt to unvomfortable.

I really felt so sorry for all the people in the states that got all that rain and lost their homes to the mudslides and the others that had their homes filled with water. It seems that this year we are having some weird weather. Down south they are having their own problems with hurricanes. Some of the places havent been able to recover from the previous hurricane and they are hit again. This has really been a year of weird weather for the whole country. I wonder how this winter will be. I am hoping for a nice mild winter so that I can still take my daily walks in the park. I like to go to the park everyday and see all the different scenes that God paints each day. No two days are alike. I wonder if anyone else realizes that or if I am the only one. I can see changes in the trees and flowers and skies each and every day. Masterpieces painted just for me to enjoy.  

Well it is getting darker and I think it will start to rain harder, so I better get home and have my cup of joe.  Tomorrow will be another day.


Friday, October 14, 2005

Changing Seasons

I have decided to take a walk in the park today. I have bundled up so that I will be warm. There is a nip in the air and the wind is gently releasing the golden leaves from the trees as it whistles through the trees.  How beautiful the changing season is as you walk and look around you. Colors of brown, gold and orange abound and surround you. Glorious aumumn has come once again to claim its place in this world. This is a time of beauty in the park. The squirrals can be seen gathering their nuts and acorns for this is the season of gathering for the long winter. The children still come to the park and now instead of playing baseball they gather all the leaves and laugh and scream in joy as they jump into them again and again. I sit  on this bench enjoying watching the children play and admiring Gods' newest painting as it unfolds before my eyes.

Starting to get a bit more chilly, so it it time to button up my coat and flip up the collar and head home for that nice cup of joe that is there waiting for me. God! you do some beautiful painting! More people should take the time to view your  work.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My friend is ill

Today is another sad day for me. I have been sitting on this bench thinking of someone that I dearly love and have found out that he is so ill and depressed. I wish I could go and comfort him and let him know that I am still here and always will be.  Sometimes when we are ill and depressed we feel like no one cares and loves us, but that is not true. There are so many that love this man and his gentle ways and he has a way of expressing himself that makes others think. He wants to resign our club, but no one wants him too and they are distressed that he is even thinking of such a thing because he is so special. Hang in there my friend. We who love you want you back and smiling again. Come back to us the ones that you know are always here for you. Bring that little man too.

Friday, September 30, 2005

truthfulness or lies??????

As I sit here on my favorite bench in the park I have been thinking about something that I witnessed the other day.  A good friend of mine, that I think the world of was slighted by an unfeeling and uncaring person  and a group of people that could care less about anyone but themselves.

I happened to be in a position to say how I felt about these unfortunate and misleading words uttered by someone that hadn't a clue what my friend had done for two  years for her and all within her circle and his.  I simply stated the true facts and was castigated for what I said in complete innocence. People I have found don't like being told the truth when it involves some selfishness they know is theirs.  Don't people realize that before they put their mouths into gear, they should engage the brain and check things out before making statements that are not true?

Well, I am glad I stuck up for my friend and I really don't care what others feel about what I said or did. If this person would have been their friend would they have stuck up for him? I wonder.  I am not one to sit on my hands and watch someone belittle or demean another ever. It is not in my nature to do so. 

I stated the facts and did so as nicely as I could but still it was taken as a threat instead of simply facts. I threaten no one. That is not what I am about. I am simply one the will stick up for a friend if he or she is right and I feel needs my backing .

I hope someday if I ever need a good friend that there will be one there for me too. I don't take friendship lightly and when You are my friend you are a friend for life. The only time the friendship would end is if you walk away from it , not me. I cherish my friends. 

It seems to be getting chilly now as the days get shorter and the leaves are starting to turn. The flowers are still blooming but soon the frost will take them away for another year and the rustic colors of fall will desend upon us and fill each and everyone of us with awe as we see the many different shades and colors as we walk in this great park.


Timeto go home for it is getting cold and I only have a light jacket and my hat on today.  I can picture my nice lounge chair and cup of joe waiting for me. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Waterfall in the park

I left for the park early today. I had a hard time sleeping last night.  I decided to go into the east end of the park where there is a beautiful waterfall. It had been raining and all the leaves on the bushes and trees are glistening in the warming sun. There are still plenty of beautiful flowers growing in the park and because of the good summer we have had they are all blooming and glorious . Pink and purple pansies circling around the the walkways and in front of the main entrance of the park. 

This water fall is so beautiful and peaceful and I need some solace today. My mind has been full of so many confusing and bothersome things lately that I just want to come here and sit and listen to the water as it falls into the pool below and look at its majestic beauty.

My heart is saddened by all the deaths and missing children from the hurricanes and now another one is threatening to come to land and do more damage and probably take more lives. They keep showing on the tv all the children that are lost and parents are hoping to find these children. So many of them. How will they ever find all of them?  This bothers me so much that there are children out there and can not find there parents and are scared and alone.

I have also been thinking of our soldiers fighting in Iraq and all the other countries that they are stationed in to help keep peace. So many of them have had to stay even when their time is up. I am wondering if we will ever be able to leave Iraq and have all our men and women come back home. It seems that the people themselves can not help themselfs. I hope that peace finally comes to this country and they set up a democratic government and have there own army and police force so that all the soldiers there can go home to their own countries. We are spread all over the world. So many different places that our men and women are protecting. Isn't it time we got them home and back to their lives?

I brought my coffee with me today because there is a slight chill in the air from all that rain, but I needed to come here today and try and think things over that have been bothering me so much.

I love the sound of the rushing water as it cascades over the rocks. It is like ten roaring lions as it falls into the pool below. Thunderous and beautiful to behold, but peaceful too. Clean fresh water. Clear and carrying the smell  of all the flowers that are growing up on top of those rocks and all around the pond. Many fragrances mixing into a bouquet of beauty for all to behold.

I feel so much more relaxed now and so I will go and I think I will stop in to see one of my friends that hasn't been feeling well. I know how sad I was today and going to the park helped me look at things more clearly . Maybe I can brighten my friends day by a surprise visit.



Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Sad days for all people

Today as I sit in the park I am thinking of all the recent tradgies that have befallen the people of this world. In the United States, that hurricane that killed so many and wiped out the city of New Orleans. How horrible to listen to all the news and see all these poor people that are suffering because of the storm. It seemed that the whole emergency systems failed when they were needed the most and many people died because of this lack of help.

Then there is the trouble in Ireland. That was a sad thing to hear on the  news also. It is hard for us in the United States to understand why these things happen over there because we have freedom of religion and we don't hold anyones religion against them. I have a hard time understanding the logic in what is happining over there now. I have always tried to treat all as I would like to be treated and it hurts me to see that people can be so callous to other human beings simply because they choose to worship God in their own way. 

How many people are suffering because the gas prices are so high and they can't afford to pay these prices. Many people work two jobs just to get by and this unnecessary hike in gas prices makes it that much harder on these people to get to and from their work. I feel bad for them, because they are trying to make a living and are working hard and don't need this extra expense to contend with.  They showed a young man that is working two jobs and and all he could put in his gas tank was $1.50 in gas. That certainly won't last him very long.

I know the government can do something about this price raising every day for gas. Why, my friend told me the other day that as he was putting gas in his car they were raising the prices 30 cents more. He asked them in the store if he had to pay  that price because he had his gas in before they raised the prices. He was told that this one time he could pay the lower price. Something has to be done. Someone has to step up to this problem and start making the necessary changes to bring these prices down so that all americans can afford to go to work and make a living.

Too many sad things to think about today. I have lost my appetite for the sandwich I have broughtwith me and I think it is getting cooler now. time for me to go home and get my cup of joe and turn on the tv and pray that something is being done for all of these problems.

All those beautiful trees are just starting to change their colors. One by one they are becoming a multitude of colors. like rainbows . So beautiful this park is during all the different seasons. I thank God I can come here every day and see His magnificent work of art. 

Monday, September 5, 2005

The last days of summer

Today I went down to the lovely boat harbor and watched as all the boats came and went out into the lake. How soothing it is to sit on this bench and watch because there are so many different sizes and shapes of boats out there. Cruisers and sailboats each one different and each beautiful to watch as they glide across the water.

It will not be to long that these boats will be taken out and put away for the winter. Then the docks will be empty and the harbor deserted until the ice forms on the lake and all the ice fishermen come out, It is way to cold for me to come down to see them fishing, but I did venture out here one year and they had huts all over the ice and having a great time. So this harbor is busy in all the seasons.  In spring, the boaters are anxious to get their boats into the water as early as possible. I love to come down and watch the different happenings as the seasons change. The park itself is a rainbow of colors for each season. 

Many people are taking their boats out now. It is still early. They dont have to be out until the 15th of October. Then you have the die hards and they leave theirs in after that date and have to pay $5.00 extra for each day they leave their boat in the water.  But by the end of October they all have to be out because they take up the docks and close down the marina for the year.

I am enjoying this day as it is nice and sunny and warm. There is music being piped from the adjoinging restaurant at the marina and you can enjoy listening to it as you sit and look out at the water.

today I am going to have my lunch here and sit outside with my plate and cup of joe and enjoy this the last hurrah for summer.


Thursday, September 1, 2005

Thoughts of saddness for the victums of Hurricane

I have been sitting on this bench today and eating my lunch and watching all the people having such a good time in the park, but I am so sad today and I have put on my heavier coat and warmer hat as it has turned cooler the last few days.

There was a terrible hurricane that hit in the US today and thousands of people are homeless and have no food or water and no place to stay. Everyone is trying to help them and this tragidy always brings out the best in most of the people. They help one another.

Then there are the ones that take advantage of the situation and loot and steal from the stores and peoples homes that are abandoned. How do people do these things? I will never understand. They have had to pull policemen away from helping people to stop all the looting in the city and in the stadium there is fighting and stealing going on. It seems that nowhere is safe for anyone. How sad that is to hear and see.

It isn't bad enough that the innocent people are homeless and hungry and thirsty, but they have to contend with the ones that are acting like criminals and instead of helping they are making things worse for all of them. The ones that are there to help can't because they have to prevent the bad ones from stealing and hurting others.

What a sad situation. How disparaging to see on the news and hear all that is going on there. Why hasn't the national guard been called in to help these people and why isnt the president talking about helping them? Is he still on vacation? Dosen't he watch tv? Can't he see he has to do something here for these people?

Well, so many questions and no answers. I am going to go back home and turn my tv on and say a prayer for all of the people down there. My cup of joe is waiting for me.  My heart goes out to these people and all my prayers too.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Sad and broken today

Sloping shoulders he
Walks through the night
This lonely man who feels
That he has lost his life
Wandering and thinking
His head held down to the mist
Thoughts running through his head
How could it have come to this?

His life is filled with worries and stress
For a week now he has been under duress
So many faces and he knows no one
As he walks through the night in the town
It is softly raining so he pulls his collar up
Gatherers his jacket closer and tips his hat down
This time of night not to many people around
In his heart he hopes to see a familiar face

Walking aimlessly with no place to go
Throughout the night and into the dawn
He raises his head and sees the sun has risen in the east
Streaks of bright sunlight shooting down
On the church across the street
Illuminating it and making it lovely to see
In his mind he hears, “Come to me”
Unsure of himself he follows others
Coming to worship

The mass begins the choir sings so sweetly
Everyone joins by singing to the Lord
Voices echoing from the choir above
Rejoicing to the glory of God and His Son
The lonely man sits with his eyes raised to
See the Lord on the cross
Next to the sufferings of Jesus what have I lost?
His heart is filling with the warmth of Gods’ love

He puts his hand in his pocket to get some change
The man with the basket is coming into range
This broken man has nothing he feels he can share
With this Savior that is on the cross hanging there
All he has is one token that he holds tight in his grasp
To the Savior he will offer this small token his last
Silently he slips the token in the basket hoping no one will see
A soft touch on his shoulder and he hears,” I am pleased at what
You have given to me.”

And so this sad man walks back out into the street and heads for home   Knowing that now  he is not alone. That the Lord is watching over him   As he has always been   Ashamed for feeling that he didnt trust his Saviors word    Now knowing that He had heard    His prayers were answered tonight    Because God proved that he knew of his plight. So on to his home through the weary night    A cup of joe in his sight    And the Savior for his friend tonight.






Friday, August 12, 2005

Walk down by the water

Went down by the water to day and took my shoes and socks off and just strolled on the sandy beach enjoying the warmth and the sound of the waves rushing to the shore. The seagulls were hovering all around hoping for a handout. Alot of people don't like the seagulls, but I think that they are beautiful. Did you ever really watch one in flight? It's wings spread out and just gliding in the air. Wouldn't it be wonderful to just take off and spread your wings and glide in the air and go from place to place with out a care in the world? I have been thinking today of a good friend and how sad a day it is for her and her family today. You see, her son got killed by a drive by shooting and she herself was injured permanetly by these hoodlums. She had told me that today would have been the young boys birthday and she was going to put a fire truck on his grave site because he loved fire trucks so much. He was 8 when he was killed over two groups of people shooting at each other across the street from where he was with his mom. How sad this world has become when a mom and her child can't plant blubs in their garden without something like this happening to them. These drive by shootings are becoming so common place now that most people don't even blink when they hear about them. How horrible that people can't settle their differences without driving their cars down the street and randomly shooting at others without any thought to who else might be killed or injured because of their stupidity. Have people become so inhumane that they lack all compassion for the innocent bystander that just happens to be in the path of their wrath?  Such unnecessary saddness is caused because people are unable to sit down and discuss their problems and come to reasonable solutions without resulting to violence. Not only do they take their cruelity on the ones that they are angry at but on the innocent people that just want to live their lives in peace.

It is turning to dusk now and the sun set is breathtaking as I watch it sink into the water. A bright red globe resting for the night. It will be another good day tomorrow and the sun will shine and the birds will be back on this beach ,but a small wonderful child will not see all this. Simply because two groups of people couldn't sit down and discuss their problems like normal intelligent people would. Yes, this is a sad world we live in now.

As I walk back toward home, I am thinking of this small wonderful child and I know that God has made a special place for him in heaven and that he is looking down on his family and watching over them. I can only hope that God will give this family comfort and help them with the knowledge that  this special child is with Him and is happy.

Getting cooler now that the sun has set and time to put those socks and shoes on and my sweater and hat. Just a little further to my home and I will enjoy that cup of joe tonight . There is a chill in the air and in my heart that maybe it will help to warm.

Sunday, August 7, 2005

Saddness of losing a freind

I am wondering about my friend today as I sit on this bench in the park. It is a sunny and warm day, but I feel a light chill and I am wearing my sweater and summer hat. Maybe it is because a friend of mine is so sad today. You see, she went to a funeral of a great friend of hers and it made her feel so unhappy. She didn't even know that this friend was ill, because she hadn't spoken to her in awhile. Oh. we all do that don't we when we think of our friends. There is always tomorrow to talk to them. We have too much too do and too many problems in our own lives to think of phoning a friend and simply saying hello and how are you doing? I find myself doing that too and have lost quite a few friends in my life time before I had a chance to say hi and how are you doing.We all don't realize that life is short and it only takes a minute to say hello and talk to a friend. A day to spend with them and renew that friendship. And forever than to remember all the good times you have spent together. Sad that in this world we are all in so much of a hurry that we forget the important things in life and they are our Lord and our family and our friends.

I sit here and remember alot of good and some sad days from the past as I have my lunch in this beautiful park that is overflowing with families and flowers and acres of flowing grass. This is a sad day  and I will go and see my lady friend and talk with her for a while, and if she will, I will ask her to come out with me for dinner tonight so that maybe I can cheer her up.

She is expecting me this afternoon sometime, so I will go home now and get ready and take a walk down the street to her home and spend the day with my friend. I hope all of you do this once in awhile from now on. Take the time to remember your family and friends, because all to soon they are gone and you are left with quilt that you didn't spend any quality time with them.

This is such a wonderous park and I am so lucky to be able to come here whenever I feel like it. I have met many friends here and I see them often as they wander through this park on their daily walks. It is wonderful to hear the childrens laughter and see the happy smiles on their faces as they play and tumble on the grass. I have to smile myself as I gaze at them and remember days gone by.

Thursday, August 4, 2005

People that hurt young girls and boys

Today I am sitting here in the park thinking of something that happened to a friend of mine. I am enjoying the sunny and warm day but I am sad inside of my heart. You see, today a young man that I got to know from this park, sat down and started to talk to me about some email that he saw on the computer when he got on last night to talk to a friend. He said it was mail to his sister but he didnt know it because they all use the same email address so he opened it. He read the mail and got very uncomfortable about what he was reading so he emailed a lady that he saw on line and is a friend of the family as no one was home and his mom so is ill was sleeping.  When this lady read the eamil she told this boy to take down each screen name and save each and every email and make copies. When the lady realized that it was getting worse, she had him wake his mom up and make her come to the computer to talk to the lady friend. 

Predators use girls to try and get other girls to run away from home promising them that their "Man" firend will take photos and make them a portfoilo and they can be models. Well, this girl wanted his sister to run away and meet her in NYC and they would live lavishly in a beautiful apartment and be so happy. And told her how much this ":man " friend wanted to meet her. Well, his mom was upset when the lady told her everything and with all the saved mail and the phone number, they called the police and they came out and took all the information and went after one of the men that lives close to their house. Today the young girl emaild the screen name again saying that they were coming to her town and she should get her friends together and they would all party and have a great time and that afterward they could all come with her and the "man" to NYC and live and have a ball together.  The police were called in and they are handling this for this family, but this poor yourn man was so upset. The family talked to his sister and she said that she felt they were bad and wouldnt answer their emails and ignored them when they kept coming in. She was afraid to say anything to anyone for fear that they would think she was bad. in fact, she is an innocent child.

I sat there and listened to this young man talk to me and shook my head and just felt so sad that there are people out there that would do this to young girls and boys for the purpose of prostitution, because it was so obvious to me that what they planned to do was to party with these young girls and get them on dope and take them away. Then who would know where they were or where to look for them.

I am glad that this family went to the police and reported this to them so that they can stop this pervert from hurting you ng girls and boys by making them believe that they will be happier in NYC and have a party every day and be well taken care of.  How sad this is to listen to and I just watched this young man as he spilled out all of this to me and he was so upset and so angry that someone would try to hurt his sister and her friends.  I told him to be thankful that his sister is smart and knew it was wrong. The only sad thing is that she felt she couldnt tell that people would think she was bad. The young boy told me that everyone told her that she is not bad and innocent of any wrong doing. She only felt sorry for the other girl because of the story she told her about her family and the abuse she had to take and made it sound like she was being taken care of and so happy in her new life in NYC. 

I told the boy that I was glad that the police were called and these young girls were saved. You see, they are innocent and would have thought that this young girl was truthful and went to the party expecting to have a good time and go back home afterward and happy.  Instead they would have been drugged and taken away and God only knows what would happen to them then.

I wish that all the parents out there on the computers would watch out what their kids are going into on the internet and who they are talking with and be suspious of anyone emailing their children late at night.  I felt so sorry for this nice family and I know they will come out of it fine, but it is sad that they had to experience this awful thing. I am also thankful that the police have special police officers that watch out for these perverts and arrest them and put them in jail.

Well, I shared my lunch with the boy, I always seem to pack too much for myself, or maybe I just hope to run into a friend and have something to share with them. He seemed so much better after he got it all off his chest. I put my armon his and told him all would be alright now. the authorities would take care of them and they wouldnt be bothering anyone for a long time.

He waved goodbye and smiled as he hurried off to catch his ride home and I smiled and was so glad that I was there for this young friend of mine to have a talk to. Sometimes, just listening can help someone out when they are scared and afraid of things happening in their lives. I always have been a good listener. 

Well, it is getting chilly now, the sun is setting and the people are leaving the park, so I will go home and have my cup of joe and maybe a sweet before I get ready for bed. I thank you God, for letting me be here today for that young man so that he had someone to talk to and make him feel better. God, watch over all the young children that these predators are trying to get. Amen.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My Birthday

I decided to go to the park today after all. I wasn't going to go but changed my mind. You see, today is my birthday, and I don't have anyone to celebrate it with. There will be no cake or candles to blow out or smiling faces wishing me a happy birthday. I have no family and I am quite alone.  I love to come to the park and watch the families and kids playing and imagine what it would be like to be like they are here all having fun and picnics surrounding me all over the park. I sit on this bench and wonder why I have not been able to find such happiness like all these others that are here. They laugh and run and fly kites together. They are all smiling and their are young lovers walking hand in hand and they don't even see the park . They have eyes only for each other.

I don't regret my life. I just wish that I had shared it with someone that cared for me. Someone that I could call my own and someone that loved me above all. Life is funny sometimes isn't it. Just when you start to feel all is well, you get a kick in the head and then the sadness comes in and settles in your heart.  I have to stop thinking this way. After all , it is my birthday and I am glad that I am here and that I have the chance to walk and enjoy this park with all of these people. Maybe, someday there will be someone special for me and she and I will find some of these happy things that I hear people talk about all the time.

As for now, I will be content with what blessings I do have and smile at all those that stop to say hello and good morning as they enjoy their day here in the park. It is time for my cup of joe and sandwich. I even bought myself a cupcake today. I wanted something special because you see, it is my birthday. Great sunny day. Thank you Jesus, for this beautiful birthday.


Saturday, July 16, 2005

Sad Day

I went to the park  today and sat on my bench and a young lady came and sat next to me and she was watching her small children at play. I had my thermos of coffee and I was drinking some and just watching all around the park. I noticed that there were two children that were not playing very nicely and the lady got up and walked over to them and started to pull them apart as they were hitting each other and screaming some very bad words at each  other. Her face was beat red and she seemed so upset and had such a hard time with these two boys that I almost got up and asked her if she wanted my help. I am glad I didn't. she had gotten them to stop and they turned their vicious mouths on her. I was shocked that two so young boys would talk the way they did to their mother. She reached out and gave them both a smack on their behinds and I couldn't believe my ears when I heard them say that they were going to call the police and tell them that she beat them.  I almost choked on my coffee.

I did get up and I walked over to the young frustrated mother who looked as if she was about to cry and told her that she did the right thing and if she needed anyone to say that she didn't hurt these two very bad boys, I would be happy to accompany her to the police station right now. I turned towards her so the boys could not see and winked at her. Her eyes smiled when she realized what I was doing and quickly agreed with me. She told the boys that we would all go to the police station and they could tell them what had happened here but that they had better be sure to mention their fighting and name calling and the names they called her also.  I just nodded my head and said that I had heard all that was said and would swear to it if need be. I told her that maybe we should stop at her house and pick up some extra clothes for the boys as the police would probably take them away and put them in a home until all of this was worked out and it was determined what happened here in the park.  The boys that at first looked so smugg now were scared when they realized that their game of insulting their mother and giving her a hard time and trying to scare her into not reprimanding them didn't work were starting to cry now.  I stooped down to there level and I told them that they were very lucky to have a mom that would take them to the park and spend time withthem and what they did and said to her was not very nice and they both should apologize to her immediately. Their little eyes full of tears  saddly apologized to their mom and I told them that if they ever called her those names again she could find me here and I would go with her to the station and they would be in big trouble.  I looked at this frazzled lady and she smiled at me. I can't understand how these children at such a young age are so disrespectful of their parents. This poor lady looked to be a decent and nice person settled with two boys full of the devil and trying to make her a slave to them by holding the system against her correcting them.  In this case, I am glad I was there. 

I know many children are abused and I would never stand for anyone abusing a child or an adult for that matter, but some of these kids now a days are using the system to scare their parents into doing anything that they want in fear of being taken to the authorities.

It is a no win situation. We need the laws to protect the abused people and children and you will always find those that will use the laws to their own advantage. I know of another case where a boy told his teacher that he was beaten by his mom and they called her in and she told him to show the principal the marks on his back that he said she gave him. He refused to do so. After waiting and asking him to show them the marks repeatedly, the boy admitted that he only said that because the mother had punished him the night before by not letting him use his play station, so he wanted to get even with her. 

Sad isn't it when the children are aware of the laws and can use them to punish good parents that are doing their best to bring them up as good citizens. 

Well, I bid the lady a good day and I headed back home to my house where I knew it would be quiet and peaceful. I decided that I had enough of the park for this day. My lovely day was almost ruined by these two children, but I am glad I was there to help this poor mom out. I don't think they will be pulling that on her again. 

Ahh the flowers are so lovely this time of year.I love walking down this lane to the street and seeingthem all in bloom. Pretty colors and slight breeze making them sway back and forth. Lovely.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Skylon Tower Canada

I was very lucky today because I was invited by a dear friend of mine to go with his group to the Skylon Tower in Canada for a late lunch and to view the Niagara Falls from the observation tower on top of the restaurant which is located very high in the sky. That is how it got its name.  It rotates very slowly so that all in the restaurant can see all around the city and get some magnificent views of the falls and all the other sites here in Canada.

We had a great lunch of Fillet Mignon and for dessert they gave us cheescake with strawberry sauce on it. It was unbelieveably scrumtious.  I was so full I was afraid that the elevator would fall with me on it. The elevator is located on the outside of the tower and as you asend and desend you can see all the site as well. I have never been so high up in any place before and it was very exciting to be able to ascend to such height and have lunch and take these absolutely wonderful pictures to share with all my friends. Niagara Falls is magnificent on the Canadian and American side and I have been to both and enjoyed the ride on the Maid of the Mist that you see here in the pictures also. We went on the boat and they take you right to the falls and tell you the whole history of the falls and you can hear the roar and see the tremondous power of the water as it rushed downward toward you. Needless to say, even with the raincoats on, you do get wet and I didn't mind at all because the day  was a hot one.  The captain of the boat was very knowledgeable and told all about the falls history and  stopped at both the American and Canadian Horseshoe falls. 

Afterwards we wondered around and I purchased a few things to take back for my friends and I enjoyed the day with my friend and his group he belongs too. He suggested that I join his group and go on more trips with them, and I promised to think about it.

The bus ride home was short and I decided that I wanted to go to the park as it was early yet, so I took a cup of joe with me and a few cookies and a bag of hard bread crumbs for the birds and settled down on my bench and relaxed and fed the birds. It was a great day for me and my good friend and he and I will go again to another place with his group. I just don't want to go all the time as I do like tosit in the park and watch the families and eat my lunch there too. You never know who you will meet and that is an exciting thing for me. I enjoy meeting people and talking with them. So for now, I will travel when I want to and not join the group.  They all said that I was welcomed anytime. Especially the women, there does seem to be a shortage of men in the group.  Well, as for me I am content with who and what I am and do not plan on changing anything at this stage of my life. Friends yes, I love to make them and have fun with them, but that is all I am capable of doing now.

I will have many nice memories to recall from todays trip and I am sitting here remembering all the pictures I took and can't wait until I get them back from the drugstore I am having them developed in. Can you believe that it only takes one hour now ? How amazing is that!! I will pick them up on my way home and show everyone tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

OLd Friend

I have been sitting of this bench in the park today just thinking of the past. There are so many good memories that I have and so many friends that I miss. Time takes its toll on us all, and it is sad that we have to lose some of our best friends to illness and accidents.

I remember one friend that I loved so much. He was the kindest person I have ever known. He never said a bad word about anyone that I can recall and he never told anyone how sick he was either. Every day we worked together and at night we would go out for supper and then have a few drinks before we went home. I noticed that he was losing weight and not having anything to drink and ate very little after awhile and mentioned this to him.  He just smiled at me and said that he was too fat and was watching his weight.

I believed him of course, and never thought that their could be any other reason for his weight loss and loss of appetite.

All to soon, he stopped coming in to work and when I called I was told that he was in the hospital and that things didn't look to good.

I went to that hospital and there he was all immacipated and not able to speak to me. How badly I felt. I had wished that he had told me about his conditon earlier because I would have spent more time with him and I would have told him how much I loved him and I would have helped him in any way I could.  I felt that he cheated me out of my last chance to show him how much he really meant to me by not telling me he was so ill. I know he just wanted to spare me, but did he really?  I don't feel that he did. I had so much to say and now I can't say it.

It is getting very windy now , and time for this old man to go home and get his cup of joe and maybe a graham cracker or two.  Good bye my good friend, I will miss you very much and I will always remember you in my prayers for as long as I live.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Forgive and forget

Today is a hot and dreary day. I am in the park and I am thinking of someone that feels that a wrong was done to him. He won't forget it and he won't forgive either. He has been told many times over that he is wrong in his assumptions but he won't listen . So he has made up his mind that what ever the other person wants he will say no to and that will teach that person for doing wrong to him.

How childish and uncalled for. What a misunderstanding . No matter how many times he has been told, he won't listen. He is stubborn and unyeilding. So, when ever the other person wants to go on a trip he won't go, or if the person wants to go to a show, he won't go. I think he is childish and I hope he grows up before he loses in the end a very good relationship with a good friend. 

Why do people do this sort of thing? Can't they see that we are all human and make mistakes and that is why God let erasers be invented?  I feel sorry for this fellow. He is losing alot in his life by being so stubborn. He will not listen to reason either.

Life is tough enough without a person that is holding a grudge against another. I can only shake my head and ignore the whole thing. No need to make waves so they say, it won't help anything at all.

Time to walk home. It is getting dark, and oh!! Hi Joey!! I still think ofyou. If you get a chance come see me again ok?  I sure miss our talks.

My cup of joe is waiting for me at home. I set the timer and it should be done by the time I get there. Lovely night out tonight. Lovely.

Thursday, July 7, 2005

World new of bombings

Today as I sit on the bench in the park, I am overwhelmed by saddness at the horrible news coming out of London, England. I will never understand how anyone could do such a horrendous thing to human beings. To deliberately mange and kill for no reason is unconsciencable to me and I am sure to all in this world. What good does it do to kill so needlessly and with no feeling? What is this supposed to do ? What benefit does an organization get from doing such a cowardly thing? To plant bombs and walk away is cowarldy and not something that a normal healthy person would do. These people have no respect for human life and have no conscience at all. I wish I could be there to help in this crisis and let the people in England know how horrible I think this act was . Innocent people going about their day causing no problems to anyone don't deserve to be treated in such a way. I will never understand no matter how long I live about this sort of person/persons that get their thrills from killing innocent people. I will say prayers for all the injured and killed in this sensless attack on them. I hope that all Americans will pray for this country and its people in their time of need.  God bless all of them and help them get through this needless act of violence. 


Sunday, July 3, 2005


I wasn't going to go to the park for lunch today because it is very hot out and I really don't like sitting in the heat of the day. I thought that later on at dusk I would take my walk then.

The doorbell rang and it was one of my buddies and he said that he wanted me to come out for lunch with him that he had a special place that he wanted to take me. It was about an hour away and it was a good day for a drive in his air conditioned car. So, I said I would like to go and we left the house.

Upon arriving in this small town, he knew just were to go to find this place he was so anxious to show me. We entered what looked like a nice clean restauant and he took me to the back of it where there were very large glass enclosed wardrobes. I could not believe my eyes when I looked inside of them. There was two dresses worn by Lorretta Lynn and her picture autographed and inside the case, there was an advertisement for boxcar Willie there too, and a letter written by Patsy Cline to Earl and she had given him an autographed photo of herself too. There were many other old memorable things in the cases. I enjoyed reading all about them and seeing them too. I was so glad that my friend came to get me and take me there with him. He just smiled at me and said that he knew I would be fascinated with this display and then he explained that all these stars knew Earl and entertained with him. Earl had a band and he was quite famous himself. What a wonderful lunch this turned out to be!!!  Hank Williams old albums and many others that I didn't know who they were all on display.  

I thanked my friend as we drove home for the great afternoon and I was very happy that I had decided to stay home instead of going to the park. I would have missed my friend and this chance to see all that good stuff.  Later, when it is cooler, I will go in the park for my walk,but for now I am just going to sit here and think about all the great things I saw today.

Friday, July 1, 2005

three sisters island

Today a bunch of us are going to Niagara Falls and have lunch in the Skylon Tower. I have always wanted to go there because it revolves and you get a beautiful view of the Niagara Falls. It is so high up that some of the women are a bit hesitate about going up that high. Well, we have reassured them that all will be fine. We can see the brand new casino that was built too. It is hugh. It takes up about 5 city blocks.  We are not going there. We are going to see the falls, but more important today is the three sister islands.  I have taken some pictures of the small falls there and the roaring rapids that go into the gorge too. Later , we will be going on the Maid of the Mist. It is quite a ride. You have to wear raincoats because you get soaked other wise. The boat goes right up were the falls reaches the bottom. It is so loud and it is very wet and misty there. The captain stays there for quite a long time as he tells all about the formation of the falls and how much water goes over it every day. It is a truely amazing sight. Everyone should go at least once in their life to see this amazing falls. This has been quite a day for all of us. The park around the falls is so pretty with flowers and many different types of trees and bushes to see. How wonderful to live so close to this place. It is nice to come here every year and see all the new additions to the area. This is on the American Side of the falls and they have a trolly that stops and goes and you can get off and on all through the park as many times as you want. I got real close to the rapids to take some of these pictures and I took many videos also.  I am glad that I decided to come with my friends instead of eating lunch in the park today. This was much more of an adventure and I enjoyed my self.  I will be sure to come again .

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Today put on my coat and hat because it said it would rain. I am going to the national park today with a few friends and I don't want to get caught in the rain with out some protection.  It was thundering when we arrived and we made it into the restaurant before it started to really come down hard and lightening was all around us.  I was glad to be inside and so were all my friends too. They were mumbling and grumbling but I loved the way the water was rushing over the falls as it poured and just made it look more powerful. We finished lunch and it stopped raining but the water was rushing and roaring as it cascaded over the falls in this wonderful park. There were other falls throughout the park and places that we could stop and get out and take pictures and look at all of natures beauty. I was glad that I had decided to come. I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to travel with these people and spend the whole day out in the weather. I found out that sometimes you need to be with your friends no matter what the weather. This was a good day even though it rained. It just made the natural beauty of this park more wonderful and clean looking.  Thank goodness for the gift of this magnificent park by a man that wanted it left for all to enjoy. Mr. Letchworth. He left 1000acres of land with all these great falls and trees to the state as a National Park. Thank you Mr. Letchworth.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Turbulant thoughts

As I sit here on this bench today wrapped in my coat and hat pulled down, my thoughts are as turbulant as the water rushing this lighthouse. I have been to a graduation yesterday. The young man that graduated is a fine strong sensible young man. One that can be depended on when you would need him. I am happy for him and yet afraid too. You see this young man is going into the service and wants to be an MP. Now this is a wonderful thing that he feels that he wants to serve his country and I am all for my country but in my heart I am worried about this young man. He is so smart and so sure of himself and I pray that he will be safe. I pray all the time for all the men/women in the service for no one can be sure what is in store for all of them. I sip my coffee here and wonder why does man want to harm another when we could all have a great life together. Learning about each other and becoming stronger in Gods ways and making satan cry. I have been around for a long time and though not married or have any children it still makes me think and worry about all these young people that are going in the service. They all have high ideals and I praise them for their patriotism. I am a patriot too. I have visions that I can't forget myself. I only wish that it wasn't necessary for people to have to defend but rather to get along and learn from each other. God bless our country, our service people and all the other countries service people that stand for freedom.

Well, I will wander down by the water as it settles me and makes me feel calm and serene. Then back home and my nightly cup of joe.  Stay safe America. Stay safe.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I have decided that it is such a nice warm day that I will go down to the sea and walk by the wonderful lighthouse that is set on the rocks that jut out into the water. It is so beautiful there and I want to just walk slowly up there and I have brought a lunch with me and a thermos of iced tea today. No coat just a hat today. It is very warm, so I will not need it. This is one of my favorite places to reflect on things that have been bothering me lately. I come here and look out at the sea and sit on the rocks and listen to the waves as they crash against the rocks. I love the sounds of the sea. They are powerful and masterful and no one can control them. That is why they had to build this lighthouse so that the boats that are out there will know not  to venture to close to this shore. The rocks jut out and some are hidden deep inside of the water with only a small piece sticking out so that you know they are there. Many a boat has hit these reefs and sunk right here.  As I sit here and open my lunch I feel sort of lonely today. It seems that all my friends have gone from me lately. There was my young friend Joey, who appeared in my life for a short summer and then went away. He probably moved or just found younger people more interesting than this old man to talk to. My other friend is doing better, but isn't quite well enough to venture out with me and have lunch yet. He will need more time to mend and get back on his feet. I will go and visit him later today on my way home. I just realized that I don't have any other friends to speak of and maybe I should join a club or something where there are more people around for me to interact with. It is very lonely just sitting and having lunch by myself every day. I so would love to have a few friends to play chess with or go to dinner with , or maybe even a show from time to time. Well, I will have to think about this more carefully. I might even meet a few women my age that might like to have lunch or dinner with this old man. Who knows, anything is possible.

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Today is Fathers Day, and I am here in the park quite alone it seems. The day is rather cool and I have worn my  coat and hat. I have brought my lunch and newspaper and some bread to feed the many birds that are in this park and that I consider my friends. I have no children and I have no wife, so for me it is just another Sunday to find something to entertain myself. I have often wondered what it would have been like had I married and had children, but it never happened. I guess I never found the right person to spend my life with. Many of the men I know are fathers and some of the stories I hear make me feel sad for them, while others make me feel envious. Some children are so thoughtful while others are horrible to their parents. Disrespectful and actually cruel. Others are loving and care for their dads and aren't afraid to show it. I am content o sit here and enjoy my paper and the birds and will have this nice lunch I have prepared and then will go for a walk by the falls that is located in this park before going home. I love the falls,I love the sound the water makes as it crashed down the rocks and the beauty as the colors shine in the sun when the light hits the water. We are fortunate to have this wonderful site in our park.  Well, I wish all the dads out there a very happy Fathers Day!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2005


As I take my morning stroll through the park, I have a big smile on my face and I am whistling a happy tune. It is raining and I have my raincoat on and the collar pulled up and my hat slanted down so that the rain runs off and not down my back, but I am very happy. I have had a friend that has been so ill, and I have prayed for him and have asked all to pray for him also. He is coming home!!!! He will be coming back and I know he will need some time to recuperate, but soon our park lunches can resume. This is a great and wonderful day for me. Jesus has answered all of my  prayers and my other friends prayers. Prayers are powerful things. Do not ever underestimate the power of prayer. I don't , and never have. I love and trust my Lord and I know He will always be there for me and all who believe and pray to Him.  Welcome home my dear friend!!!!  I am so happy and the world is a much happier and brighter place today, rain and all. After all, We need rain to make all the beautiful flowers and rainbows in this world.  I think I will go and see my friend today at the hospital one last time before he comes home. Maybe I will stop and buy him a rose. He will smile and like that. My friend loves all things beautiful as I do. The park looks especially beautiful today and the people walking here as I am seem happier, or maybe it is me. Maybe my happiness and enthusiam in my morning hellos is contagious. I hope so. I want everyone to be happy today. Jesus has blessed my friend and he will be home soon. I can't wait to welcome my friend back home.!!!!!!!! Rejoice with me!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Hospital I am going to visit

This morning I am going to go to the hospital to visit my friend. It has been raining quite heavily so I will have to wear my raincoat and hat. The wind has picked up too, so it is rather cool out there, but I really don't care. I have been worried for many days about my friend as I had not heard a word about him and what was going on. I didn't know if he was home or in the hospital, but yesterday I got word from his family that he was admitted to the hospital and that now he is out of intensive care and in a regular room. So I am happy as I board the bus to travel through town to get to see how my friend is doing and if there is anything I can do to make his stay in that place more comfortable. I have prayed for my friend and God has answered my prayers. Hopefully he will be back home soon and walking with me through the park and having lunch on that park bench that we have been doing for the last few months. I really miss my friend. You know, as you get older, each friendship becomes dearer and means more I think. Especially the ones that you have had for what seems like a lifetime. Well, I am here now and will be going in to see how my friend is doing. I will be so glad to see him again.  Smiling I open the door of the hospital and enter. 

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Naval Park walk

thought I would take a walk by the naval park today and go through all the ships that are on display there. They have a submarine and a battle ship, plus jet planes that you can see and look into. I like going down there once in awhile and remembering all the wonderful men/women that served for our freedom and for this nation. It is so warm today that I didn't have to wear anything but a baseball hat. I am not telling you my favorite team though.  I wouldn't want any mail on that.  If you look carefully you will see the lighthouse that was built in 1833 and they used to store weapons and ammo under it during the civil war. It is in such good shape and you can walk through it and see out into the lake. This area is so very beautiful with the lake and all the boats and marinas. Many people come from all over to view this Naval Park and this lighthouse. I felt like a bit of history today and that is why I am here.

Thursday, June 9, 2005


I am down at the marina tonight watching the sailboat going out to the lake. How peaceful it looks as it slowly moves out to the lake and into the sunset. The water is so calm and all so quiet here tonight. No one is walking around on the docks and I can look out and see the lights inside of the boats of the people spending the night on their boats. I love coming here at night when it is quiet and peaceful. this is the time that you can think and be at peace with your thoughts without someone interferring and distracting you. Water seems to draw me to it and I find that I am more at peace near the water than any other place. The city is way to busy and my town can be noisey and busy too at times. I walk alot and try to find places for peaceful contemplation of my problems and solutions for them too. I guess I am just lonely tonight. I haven't seen anyone that I know today and so it has been a quiet and lonely day with just my thoughts for company. I guess it is time to go home and get some rest and maybe tomorrow will be a better day. It has started to rain and I can see lightening in the sky. Pull my collor up and put my hat on tighter and start walking for home and if I am lucky I will get there before I get soaked.  I can't wait for that fresh cup of joe. 


I have decided to take my walk down to the bird scantuary today. Seeing these beautiful creatures that God has made usually lifts my spirits and makes me realize that there is real beauty in this world. It is warm again, so I have my straw hat on and a light sweater. Look at the blue jays and cardinals there by that feeder, and the Wrens on that bush. God sure does make beautiful creatures doesn't he? There are so many flowers and bushes and they are full of all different types and sizes of birds. All singing their own songs. Melodies intwinging and mixing and yet pleasant to the ear. It is as if He is directing a symphony here. I do feel at peace here. It is so humbling to see all this natural beauty that only God can make. There isn't an artist or photographer on earth that can create these small wonderous creatures that fly from tree to tree singing their sweet melodies. A smile comes across my face as a small red winged black bird lands on the bench that I am sitting on. Look at him, no fear. He knows that no one will harm him in this his home. He is so wonderful. Standing so proud and tall, and just looking at me. I remain still as he checks me out for I don't want to scare him away. Ahh! another one is landing now. Chripping to him, and up and away they both go. Peace has filled my heart and soul. I needed this place today. I needed to feel God's presence in this world.  I have not heard about my friend yet. I am very worried/. I hope someone tells me soon how he is.  Time for me to wander back home for that cup of joe and a sandwich. Then to sit again by the phone hoping for some word about my special friend.  God, take care of him. Please.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005


I have taken a walk down to the shore tonight.I needed to be alone because I havent heard about my friend. No one knows what is going on or where he is tonight. Did he go to the hospital? Is he home and no one thought to call? How can people not think that others care and worry when a good friend is ill and can't speak for himself? It is a gloomy, wet day here tonight. It fits my mood exactly. There are fishing boats going out into the lake and you can see their green and red lights as they leave and enter the cove.  I can feel the rain running down my hat and pull it down and flip up my collar so the rain doesn't get under my coat. I guess it is time for me to wander home and hope that tomorrow there will be some word about my specail friend. I will ask God to help him as I say my prayers tonight once again. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2005


I just received word today that a very special friend that I think the world of is very ill. He has to go for tests and has sent me a note saying that he is so very ill that if anything happens to remember that he is one of my best friends. I am sitting in this park on this cool windy day feeling such saddness in my heart that it hurts. I can't explain the waves of pain I am feeling as I think of my dear friend and the suffering he is going through. I pull my coat tighter and my hat firmer on my head as tears of saddness roll down my face. Unashamededly I sit here letting my tears fall as my feelings come to the surface as I cry for the injustice of all this suffering that he must endure. I have often wondered why God makes the good to suffer and lets the bad have full rein over this land. I will not be at peace until I know that my friend is going to be alright and back on his feet again. People pass me by and look hurridly away as I sit here in my misery. No one stops to ask if there is anything they can do . What a sad world this has come to be. I am numb and cannot move. All my thoughts are of all the times I have spent with my special friend and all the joy we have known. In this world we are only blessed with a few good friends. Dear God, make my friend well and healthy again. I am not ready to let him go to you. As my tears fall and my shoulders shake, I say prayer after prayer for my special friend, who when I needed someone was always there for me. Let me be there for him. Time has passed and it is time to leave the park,for it is closing. I hadn't realized that I have stayed so late. The time spent thinking of my friend and I hope to learn something soon about how he is feeling and maybe if there is anything I can do to help. It has cooled down alot or is it because I feel so sad. I don't know which. Tightly i grasp my coat as I slowly leave the park and head home hopeing that their will be a message for me that all will be well again.

Monday, June 6, 2005


Today I went down to the beach. I had on my straw hat and no jacket, it was so warm out. There were so many families there lying on the sand and kids playing in the water and making castles . It brought back memories of days gone by when I would be there sitting in that sand and making the best castle I could. There is something about sand that kids and adults are compleled to sit down and build a castle. I smiled as I walked near the water and felt the wind whip the salt spray into my face. It was a perfect day for the beach and for strolling and enjoying the water and sunshine. I like to see all the people having such a grand time together. My wish would be for all families to be able to have this woderful time together. I have to take my hat off and wipe my brow. It is rather warm, maybe I should have brought my bathing suit along with me and went into the water . Well, it would be more fun if someone was there to share this beach with me.  So I walk along all alone, but with a smile on my face because I can still enjoy others happiness as they play with their families on this warm summer day at the beach.

Sunday, June 5, 2005

todays adventures

It was very warm today so I wore my straw hat and light jacket just in case the rain that they were talking about came. I wouldn't want to be caught without some protection from the weather. Took  long walk into the mall and sat down in the food court with my cup of joe. I enjoy watching the people and trying to guess about them . what they do for a living or if they are students, or moms and dads with their kids.  It is amazing what you can learn just by sitting and watching people as they wander through the mall. There was a mom that was losing patience with a child that was being obnoxious and finally told the child to siit quietly or he would get a time out when he got home. A time out??  I had to smile, when I was a child my mom wouldn't have thought of a time out when you got home. by that time the child has forgotten what he is being timed-out for. Mom would have taken my hand and there wouldn't have been any lunch there, it would have been home and to my room for the rest of the day.  The next time out, I would remember this  punishment and i would be sure to behave so that I wouldn't miss out on the treat. Maybe parents are too lienant with these kids. By staying and giving this child a treat of a lunch out, he has learned nothing. I just shaked my head and looked around the room and saw a dad with his kids sitting and talking and smiling and having a great time. The little girl smiled at me and waved her little hand. I smiled back and her dad said  hi, good morning. how are you today? I replied that I was fine and just out for my morning walk and that I enjoyed coming here for a cup of joe and looking at the people as they came in to shop. He asked if I would like to join them and I happily agreed and moved over to their table. The little girls name was Tammy and her brother was named Thomas or as he informed me, Tommy. I spent the next half hour enjoying the chatter of these two precious kids and an adoring dad, who informed me that his wife wasn't feeling well, so he had taken the day off from work and brought the kids here for breakfast and to wander in the stores and maybe find a little toy for each of them for being so kind and good . He said that before they left, the kids made their mom a tray of breakfast of toast( burnt) and a glass of oj and cup of tea. The kids eyes shinned and their smiles showed how proud they were to have done that for their mom. Dad beamed when he toldme all about how caring the kids were and how worried they were about their mom. Instead of a toy for themselves, they wanted to buy something for their mom to mke her happy. Now, that made my day. How sweet and thoughtful these two children were to think of someone wlse other than themselves. How many kids would do that today?  I left the mall putting my hat on and coat because it had started to drizzle a bit and went home with a smile on my face. There is hope when there are children brought up to  think of others before themselves and parents that instill these wonderful feelings into their children.  I think I will go home and sit and rest. Tomight I will go out for my nightly walk and maybe this time I will go down to the town park that is in the center of the town were I live.

Saturday, June 4, 2005

Tonights thoughts

I decided to take my walk tonight down by the lake. Have you ever been there when the sail boats and cruisers come in at sunset. They are a joy to behold. The sailboats listing to the side and the sun slowly setting into the water. The lights of the marina and the boats adding to the beauty of the night. It is chilly tonight, so I have my coat buttoned and my hat pulled down so that I am warm. Quiet over takes this marina at night. A seagull sings now and again. Mamma and Pappa duck start gathering up their young ones and seeking shelter for the long night. Some of them climb aboard the swim platforms of the cruisers and settle down for the night out of the water , yet safe and comfortable for the night with their babies nestled between their parents.  Peace desends upon the marina and I can sit and think of all the things I havent time to think about during the day. My daily lunch in the park isnt the same with out my friend Joey. But every day I look for him. He knows that I will be here and I know if he needs me he will come back.  At least I hope so.  We both shared our lives over that summer and we became the best of friends.  I was very doun during that time and I have often wondered if maybe     just maybe the good Lord sent me Joey to help me and make me feel better. Just maybe Joey was an angel and when he felt I would be ok again. He went back to heaven and is watching me from up there, probably sitting on a cloud floating over me now. I look up and smile. Joey thank you for coming to me when I needed a friend the most. Making me feel like I was doing something good by helping you when in reality you were helping me. Good night Joey, it is time for me to walk home and have my cup of joe and get some rest. I will never forget you Joey for when I needed a friend just to be there and expect nothing of me , you were there with your angelic smile and young and happy laugh. 

The Day I saw him

Put my coat and hat on and went to the park today and sat on a bench with a newspaper and a bagged lunch, with a thermos of hot cocoa. It was  a bit chilly but there wasn't any wind so it was nice. The sun was shinning brightly and I love to watch the children with their parents playing on the grass with their pets and the men playing ball with their sons.  As I was reading my paper a young boy came and sat on the bench next to me, and I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and saw that this child was kind of dirty and wearing tattered clothing. He didnt have a jacket on even though it was kind of cool outside.  I didn't say anything because I didn't want to scare the child but I just turned and smiled at him. He smiled back at me and turned his head and watched the kids at play .  Every now and again he would look at the bag and thermos I had on the bench next to us and I noticed that he did this at least three times, but he never said a word. Just sat there quietly. I had a great idea. I reached over and opened the bag, and the boy immediately looked at me and the bag and then he looked into my eyes. I could see in his eyes a saddness and there wasnt that twinkle that a youngster should have nor a smile wrinkling them. I had two sandwiches in that bag and took them out and laid them down and I also had a cup in that bag for the hot chocolate. That poor child looked at those sandwiches and cup and licked his lips. Then I knew that he must be very hungry.  I took one of the sandwiches and offered it to him and poured him a cup of chocolate and asked him to join me because being older, this was way too much for me to eat and drink. At first, he was reluntat to take what I was offering him, so I just sat the sandwich in its wrapping on the bench and opened the other one and ate it and used the top of the thermos to pour myself some chocolate and drank and ignored him as if I was much to busy eating. He tentatively reached over and took the food and cup and very slowly ate that sandwich as if he was savoring every bite. He did the same with the drink.  I thought to myself, how sad that a child should have to savor such a small gesture of friendship and food. I decided there and then to ask this small one if he would like to meet me tomorrow right here and I  would share my lunch with him again as I always have way too much to eat and drink.  He just looked at me for awhile and then slowly a smile came on his face and he nodded his head and said that his name was Joey and that he be happy to meet me for lunch tomorrow. I met Joey for lunch each day throughout the summer months. But when September came, Joey didn't come to the park anymore. Maybe he had to go to school, although he looked kind of young for school. I really miss Joey. He and I had become good friends over sandwiches and hot cocoa. I hope Joey is ok and doing well.

Friday, June 3, 2005

End of the day

At nighttime I wander down to the shore with my thoughts.  This is the place of peace for me. The water and the sea. All of the days happiness and woes I can think about here and watch as the water slowly washes in to the land. How relaxing this is and what a good feeling it gives me. Here I am the man, and can do as I will. No one to tell me what and how and why. Pulling my coat closer to me and pulling down my hat to the misty  rain. I love the rain. It is sweet smelling and feels like petals falling on me as I walk my nightly walk. Here and there a dog barks and that is all the sounds you hear as the night closes in and all the lights in the house start to go out as others wander off to slumber land. I especially like this time of day. It is my time to do and feel as I want to without any one interrupting me. I call it my pondering time. Then I can go and sleep and feel as if I have cleansed my mind of all the bad that has happened throughout the day. I also can smile and think of all the good things too. Nightly walks are a must for me. Nightly walks down by the shore and the sea.


As I wandered by the water today I was thinking about what friendship means to me. I have faith and trust in my friends and I like them to know that I am there for them should the need arise that they need a hand with something, someone to listen to their problems and not pass judgement on them and maybe someone to hug them if they need that hug. It is raining now and have water dripping down from my hat. Have to find my way back home and maybe call one of these friend of mine and talk to them and see how they are doing and what is going on in their lives. deary day today. No sun and misty rain falling making me chilled and wanting a good cup of joe. I will try to be a better friend to all of those that I care so much about and let them know what I feel inside too. Almost home, can hear the dog next door barking his greeting to me as he runs to their gate and jumps up always looking for that pat on the head from his friends as they go by. We could learn about friendship and love from our pets.  Take a good look at them the next t ime you are home.  They don't judge, they just love.