Today I am sitting here in the park thinking of something that happened to a friend of mine. I am enjoying the sunny and warm day but I am sad inside of my heart. You see, today a young man that I got to know from this park, sat down and started to talk to me about some email that he saw on the computer when he got on last night to talk to a friend. He said it was mail to his sister but he didnt know it because they all use the same email address so he opened it. He read the mail and got very uncomfortable about what he was reading so he emailed a lady that he saw on line and is a friend of the family as no one was home and his mom so is ill was sleeping. When this lady read the eamil she told this boy to take down each screen name and save each and every email and make copies. When the lady realized that it was getting worse, she had him wake his mom up and make her come to the computer to talk to the lady friend.
Predators use girls to try and get other girls to run away from home promising them that their "Man" firend will take photos and make them a portfoilo and they can be models. Well, this girl wanted his sister to run away and meet her in NYC and they would live lavishly in a beautiful apartment and be so happy. And told her how much this ":man " friend wanted to meet her. Well, his mom was upset when the lady told her everything and with all the saved mail and the phone number, they called the police and they came out and took all the information and went after one of the men that lives close to their house. Today the young girl emaild the screen name again saying that they were coming to her town and she should get her friends together and they would all party and have a great time and that afterward they could all come with her and the "man" to NYC and live and have a ball together. The police were called in and they are handling this for this family, but this poor yourn man was so upset. The family talked to his sister and she said that she felt they were bad and wouldnt answer their emails and ignored them when they kept coming in. She was afraid to say anything to anyone for fear that they would think she was bad. in fact, she is an innocent child.
I sat there and listened to this young man talk to me and shook my head and just felt so sad that there are people out there that would do this to young girls and boys for the purpose of prostitution, because it was so obvious to me that what they planned to do was to party with these young girls and get them on dope and take them away. Then who would know where they were or where to look for them.
I am glad that this family went to the police and reported this to them so that they can stop this pervert from hurting you ng girls and boys by making them believe that they will be happier in NYC and have a party every day and be well taken care of. How sad this is to listen to and I just watched this young man as he spilled out all of this to me and he was so upset and so angry that someone would try to hurt his sister and her friends. I told him to be thankful that his sister is smart and knew it was wrong. The only sad thing is that she felt she couldnt tell that people would think she was bad. The young boy told me that everyone told her that she is not bad and innocent of any wrong doing. She only felt sorry for the other girl because of the story she told her about her family and the abuse she had to take and made it sound like she was being taken care of and so happy in her new life in NYC.
I told the boy that I was glad that the police were called and these young girls were saved. You see, they are innocent and would have thought that this young girl was truthful and went to the party expecting to have a good time and go back home afterward and happy. Instead they would have been drugged and taken away and God only knows what would happen to them then.
I wish that all the parents out there on the computers would watch out what their kids are going into on the internet and who they are talking with and be suspious of anyone emailing their children late at night. I felt so sorry for this nice family and I know they will come out of it fine, but it is sad that they had to experience this awful thing. I am also thankful that the police have special police officers that watch out for these perverts and arrest them and put them in jail.
Well, I shared my lunch with the boy, I always seem to pack too much for myself, or maybe I just hope to run into a friend and have something to share with them. He seemed so much better after he got it all off his chest. I put my armon his and told him all would be alright now. the authorities would take care of them and they wouldnt be bothering anyone for a long time.
He waved goodbye and smiled as he hurried off to catch his ride home and I smiled and was so glad that I was there for this young friend of mine to have a talk to. Sometimes, just listening can help someone out when they are scared and afraid of things happening in their lives. I always have been a good listener.
Well, it is getting chilly now, the sun is setting and the people are leaving the park, so I will go home and have my cup of joe and maybe a sweet before I get ready for bed. I thank you God, for letting me be here today for that young man so that he had someone to talk to and make him feel better. God, watch over all the young children that these predators are trying to get. Amen.